The family
Hi folks, I've set this blog up so you can see what me and the boys get up to. I've also set this up so you guys can follow our adventures when mum and I travel to Europe.
I've posted some pics already to get things started.
Introducing Austin and Bruno. These two are my baby dogs, they are pure breed Boxer dogs.
Austin is on the right and is 5 years old and Bruno is on the left he is 1 1/2 years old.
These two are the best dogs in the world. I train both of them in obedience and Bruno especially in behavour and obedience. He's just a puppy still so he's very excited about everything. I hope one day to breed from Bruno as he is an amazing dog.
Then ther
e is my mum and dad. Sadly dad passed away in 2004 but we still love and remember him.
Mum and I will be travelling to Europe in July to visit family in Ireland. We will be attending a family reunion in Nenagh, Ireland so watch out for my blogs of our travels.
The trip will be in memory of dad and a huge reward for me since I would have just completed by Bacholor of Administration and Commerce majoring in Commercial Law and Economics after 7 1/2 years of part-time study.
Meet Hisami, my Japanese sister. Hisami and I meet about 15 years ago. I was only 16 years old and travelled to Japan on a school trip. There were about 20 school friends who had been given host families to stay with. Hisami pulled my name out of a hat. She knew nothing about me and I knew nothing about her.
I stayed with Hisami's family and was made to feel at home straight away. We have many laughs and memories of my stay with her, which we still talk about now. Hisami has come to New Zealand several times, living, studying and working in Wellington and Auckland. She has become a major part of our family and I'm so pleased that an amazing friendship has lasted so long. Hisami was recently living and working in Auckland where she meet Michal who has swept her off her feet. They got engaged at the end of last year and in April they moved to the Czech Republic where Michal's family are. I wish them all the best for their future together.
Here is the rest of my family: Megan, James, Brandon, me, Amanda, Emily
, Shaun, Samuel, Victoria, Dad, Mum, Leigh and Wayne.
I've posted some pics already to get things started.
Introducing Austin and Bruno. These two are my baby dogs, they are pure breed Boxer dogs.

These two are the best dogs in the world. I train both of them in obedience and Bruno especially in behavour and obedience. He's just a puppy still so he's very excited about everything. I hope one day to breed from Bruno as he is an amazing dog.
Then ther

Mum and I will be travelling to Europe in July to visit family in Ireland. We will be attending a family reunion in Nenagh, Ireland so watch out for my blogs of our travels.
The trip will be in memory of dad and a huge reward for me since I would have just completed by Bacholor of Administration and Commerce majoring in Commercial Law and Economics after 7 1/2 years of part-time study.
Meet Hisami, my Japanese sister. Hisami and I meet about 15 years ago. I was only 16 years old and travelled to Japan on a school trip. There were about 20 school friends who had been given host families to stay with. Hisami pulled my name out of a hat. She knew nothing about me and I knew nothing about her.

Here is the rest of my family: Megan, James, Brandon, me, Amanda, Emily

Hi Nenagh, Bruce and Geraldine here, we have your Mum here with us at the moment,it's 10am and she is still in her pj's, she went back to bed so she could have her breakfast delivered to her in bed,We just wanted you to know that we enjoyed your site and thought you had done a great job of it
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