Beautiful Paris

Arrived at Paris after leaving London at 5.45am. We crossed the channel at Dover. Paris is a beautiful city with so many many people. Cars seem to drive any which way, there are no road markings so people drive in any direction. Parking is as good as stopping where ever. I'm sure the people of Paris know it so well but it looks like a mass exit during a fire alarm only everyone is in cars.
We went for a cruise down the Seine River which was beautiful. We got to see many beautiful different buildings and bridges. Lots of people on the side of the river with bottles of wine,

We then started up in the morning with a trip up the Eiffel Tower which has the most amazing view. We only went to the second floor which was definately high enough for me. We then we to Napoleon's tomb and then to the Louvre. I have had an amazing time in Paris.

Tomorrow we travel to Switzerland which I'm really looking forward to. I'm going to try and post some photos when I get a chance but I only have 8 mins left on the internet so I don't have time do it now.
Hope everyone is okay at home.
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