Our trip to Rotorua
Recently Amber, Leigh and I flew to Rotorua to visit Megan and cousin Sophie. This was Amber's first flight and she did really well. Luckily for the other passengers she slept on the flight and was a peaceful baby. She wasn't fussed by the plane trip at all.
When we got to Rotorua the weather was fine but unfortunately the next two days it rained so we were a little confined to the four walls of Megan's house. Never mind as we easily found ways to keep ourselves entertained. Sophie just loved having her cousin around to play with.
Amber and I look forward to coming back up to Rotorua after Megan has had junior (due November).
Hezky(beautiful in Cesky)girls!!! If my son is there, he will be definitely in the middle, younger than Sophie and older than your Amber! Pity we cannot make it happen now... but we will sometimes, do you reckon???
Heard of Megan's pregnancy.She said that she does not it will be a boy or a girl, how do you guess???
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