pre-Christmas 2009...the pox!!
OH NO.........Amber has CHICKEN POX!!!
The week before Christmas approaches and we are gearing up for another amazing holiday period with Amber only to be halted in our tracks because Amber got Chicken Pox. 
It is amazing how quickly the pox spots came up! We got up in the morning, Amber was a little grumpy but we certainly didn't think she was sick. After a little while she started to tell me she was hot, but no sign of any sickness. So it was off to day care for her and work for us. As soon as we had arrived at work the day care phoned to say she had some pox spots and to come get her.
When I picked her up she had a total of 25 spots over her body, by the afternoon she had 25 on her chest alone. It was amazing how quickly the spots came up!!! So we were in quarantine for a week. Brandon and I played tag team looking after her and going to work for the week. We bathed her in Pinotarsel and put a natural gel on the spots and a week later she was allowed back at day care. She loved the Pinotarsel baths as it made the water yellow which was a huge novelty!
Luckily she cleared up in time for Christmas day and was no longer in quarantine.
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