Abel Tasman National Park
We have just returned from the most amazing trip to Nelson and the Abel Tasman National Park. The weather was beautiful, sunny, no wind (unlike Wellington) and the most amazing scenery.
We spent two nights in Nelson were we looked around and visited the Saturday markets. We ate at the Boatshed restaurant and had beautiful food. We then headed to Kaiteriteri and Marahau. The beaches at Kaiteriteri are beautiful golden and the water is very clear. Apparently the sand is gold from the granite in the rocks, it basically rusts the sand, thus you get golden beaches.
We stayed the night in Marahau so we could get up early the next day for a half day sea kayaking trip and a half walk out of the National Park. We spent the morning kayaking from Marahau round to Watering Cove. The kayaking was amazing and a little funny as I was navigating and Brandon was stearing (with foot pedal). It was funny because two people trying to operate a kayak doesn't work. Its a bit like asking someone to do the foot pedals in a car while another person works the steering wheel. Anyway after a few laughs we finally made it to Watering Cove where we gladly said good bye to some of the other kayakers (especially the women who ran on full the whole time and made me fear for the guides life at one point as I thought she was going to eat him whole). We headed off for a 3 hour walk out of the park back to Marahau. Once we got back to Marahau we jumped in the car and headed to Collingwood. We had booked ourselves onto a Farewell Spit tour which left at 6.00am so we were keen to get to the hotel for a good night's sleep....more on that later.
We then headed further up the spit. I was amazed at how wide it is and how heavily populated it is with grasses and vegetation. I was expecting it to be far more exposed and derelict than it appeared.
I happen to catch the sun behind the lighthouse just at the right time.
We then headed back to the entrance of the spit and to Cape Farewell which is the far most eastern part of the South Island.
We stayed here for a little while before heading back to Collingwood where we made the massive trip over Takaka hill back to Marahau. I was glad to leave Collingwood as its not exactly a desirable place. I was scared of the motel we stayed in as it looked like some thing out of the 60's. I was so scared I didn't take my shoes off and I slept in my sleeping bag as I refused to get into the bed.
We arrived back in Marahau where we stayed another night so we could travel to Awaroa Lodge the following day. On the way back we stopped at Pu Pu Springs which are the most amazing natural springs with crystal clear blue water at depths of about 12-13 mtrs. On the day we visited it was hot so the water looked really inviting. Unfortunately because of Didymo people can't swim in the springs.
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The lodge was amazing, peaceful, beautiful and very very expensive. Lets put it this way for one nights accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and drink we left there a lot lighter in the pocket than when we arrived. Never mind as we had a fantastic time and the scenery is just amazing.
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