
Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Me at 28 weeks

Okay, so I've been given a bit of slack for not posting a picture of me during my pregnancy. People are keen to see how "fat" I'm getting.

So here it at 28 weeks.

I'm feeling really good and loving being pregnant. My only problem is severe back pain (I know what some of you will say....this early on and its only going to get worse). The pain is really a result of pre-pregnancy back injury and me not listening to my body when its telling me to slow down and rest.

We have slowly been getting the spare room together so that its all ready for when "little boss" arrives. Once I've got the room completed I'll post a pic of that.

Anyway better get out of this uncomfortable computer chair before I totally can't move (this is me listening to my body).