Amber's christening
On 23 August Amber was christened at St Andrew's church in Martinborough.
It was a beautiful day, I think it was the first sunny Saturday in several weeks. The service was lovely, even though Amber cried all the way through it.
It was really great to see our friends and family join us on the day. The gifts were beautiful and everyone was so generous. A big thank you to everyone.

I have some more pictures which I will upload once I have got them all together.

Oh by the way, the following day I realised why Amber had cried all the way through the service..............she cut her first tooth! Yippee.
A special mention goes to my sister Leigh and her husband Wayne. They made a huge effort to come to the christening. They got up early, did all their farm duties first thing, cleaned themselves up and even got to the church on time..........pity that it was A DAY LATE!!!!
It's snowing
We are in the middle of winter here and the weather has been pretty bad but today it reached a new low (excuse the pun)....we had snow. There was a pretty wicked thunder and lightening storm to accompany the snow.
This is the first time I've seen snow come down to this level.
The dogs have never been near snow so they were thrown outside to experience it. They can't have thought to much of that as they quickly turned around and came back inside.
My poor veggies didn't stand a chance as the snow rested on the veggie garden.
I just hope my broccoli survived, although B hates broccoli so he'll probably hope it didn't.
Plane sailing
The streets of Whitby are more commonly known for their nautical theme but the other day our street was taking on more of an aviation approach. We had a plane in our street!!!
The neighbour has been building a plane in his garage for several months now and finally he has finished it. A transporter truck came to collect it, minus the wings, to take it to the hanger where the wings will be fixed to the plane and it will be taken for a test flight. Apparently this is the third plane he has built!
This is the neighbours hobby. I imagine his wife will be pleased now its all finished.
Its a two seater plane so both himself and his wife can finally spend some quality time together in a confined space!
I hope she likes flying.
Real food
I just had to put this on my blog. After becoming a domestic goddess and pureeing up all sorts of food for Amber I made an effort to cook some real food.....cannelloni tubes - yum yum. This is the most amazing meal and it looks soooooo good. will remember cannelloni tubes ah!
Amber hungry
Here is the latest update on Amber............she is hungry!!!
Lately she has been spending time munching on her toes. I'm not sure how she does it but she grabs her feet and sticks them in her mouth. So supple!! She is so cute when she does this as it makes her laugh.
We have started her on solids and she's taking to it just fine. I wonder why they call it "solids" because its more like pureed gloop. Never the less, Amber loves her her pureed mix of flavours. So far she's had apple, pear, carrot and extensive diet!!!! She looks so cute in her high chair. She's so tiny in it, its almost like
the high chair is going to gobble her up.
She'll grow into it!
Our trip to Rotorua
Recently Amber, Leigh and I flew to Rotorua to visit Megan and cousin Sophie. This was Amber's first flight and she did really well. Luckily for the other passengers she slept on the flight and was a peaceful baby. She wasn't fussed by the plane trip at all.
When we got to Rotorua the weather was fine but unfortunately the next two days it rained so we were a little confined to the four walls of Megan's house. Never mind as we easily found ways to keep ourselves entertained. Sophie just loved having her cousin around to play with.
We did manage to get out one day and take a walk through the Redwood Forest which was amazing. Sophie did the walk about three times over as she ran ahead, then ran back then ran ahead again. She jumped on every tree stump and looked at every path and sign we passed. She didn't stop once! So fully of energy.
Amber and I look forward to coming back up to Rotorua after Megan has had junior (due November).